3 months, 2 weeks ago

The "Techcell" hackathon supported by Azercell has taken place


The "Techcell" hackathon, organized with the support of "Azercell Telecom" LLC and the Azerbaijan-French University (UFAZ), has concluded. The hackathon took place on May 18-19. During this period, participants were tasked with proposing solutions on 5 different topics related to information technologies, cybersecurity, and mobile network areas.

In total, 96 teams from 15 universities applied for the competition, and 30 teams made it to the final round. Teams of three members executed coding and programming tasks corresponding to one of the given topics. The selection of participants considered their knowledge in cybersecurity, programming, and mobile network security, as well as skills such as maintaining gender balance and utilizing soft skills.

Participants in the two-day competition received support from professional mentors from the “Azercell” company and UFAZ.

It should be noted that the closing ceremony of the hackathon will take place on May 27. The teams will present their results in front of the jury. Afterwards, the winners will be announced. The teams will be rewarded with cash prizes and special gifts from the main sponsor, “Azercell.”

This project, resulting from the joint efforts of Azercell and UFAZ, highlights the technical knowledge and innovative ideas of talented young students, contributing to their professional development. The "Techcell" hackathon is the third hackathon conducted within this partnership.
