2 months, 1 week ago

Climate Change Art Exhibition was held at UFAZ

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An art exhibition dedicated to climate change was held at UFAZ. The exhibition, supported by the UFAZ Ecology Club, aimed to highlight the urgency of taking immediate action against climate change and to demonstrate Azerbaijan's commitment to combating climate change ahead of the COP29 conference, which the country will host.

Latifa Nasibova, the Acting Executive Director of UFAZ, welcomed the guests and stated that organizing such exhibitions is of exceptional importance in drawing public attention to environmental issues. She emphasized that UFAZ, as always, places special emphasis on events dedicated to sustainable development goals ahead of COP29.

Elizaveta Bydanova, the Secretary General of UFAZ, also welcomed the guests and highly appreciated the organization of the exhibition. Following this, Kamala Abdullayeva, the director of the Child-Youth Development Center No. 1, expressed her gratitude to the organizers. She highlighted the importance of instilling the significance of protecting nature and the environment in schoolchildren from an early age. Certificates were presented to the children of the Child-Youth Development Center No. 1, whose artworks were displayed in the exhibition. Finally, a group photo was taken, and the guests viewed the exhibition.

It should be noted that the purpose of holding the exhibition, which showcased various artworks on the theme of climate change, was to combine the visual power of art with issues of environmental protection and climate change, thereby drawing attention to these topics.

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