4 days, 4 hours ago

UFAZ Held An Info Session For 10th and 11th Grade Students

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During the info session, high school students participating in the semifinal round of the Republic Subject Olympiads in Informatics were informed about the undergraduate programs of the French-Azerbaijani University (UFAZ). The advantages of studying in Computer Science, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Petroleum and Gas Engineering, and Geology and Geophysics Engineering at UFAZ were discussed.

It was emphasized that UFAZ offers the opportunity to obtain a dual degree without leaving the country, as well as the chance for students to participate in practical lessons in research laboratories, learn from specialists at relevant industrial enterprises, take courses from invited foreign professors, and join international internship programs. At the end of the session, the students' questions regarding the undergraduate programs and higher education at UFAZ were answered.

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