19 hours ago

UFAZ Invited Professor in Computer Science Raphaël Couturier will deliver a research seminar

new research raphael

About event

UFAZ Invited Professor in Computer Science Raphaël Couturier will deliver a research seminar on February 27th in room 102. The seminar is titled "Some practical applications of AI/ML".

In this insightful session, Professor Couturier will present various research initiatives conducted by our team that focus on applications of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Topics to be covered include predicting firemen intervention, the AI positioning of holographic cameras, and the asynchronous convergence of parallel training for AI algorithms.

The seminar will feature a live demonstration of AI's detection of anomalies in ADS-B signals, highlighting its relevance to air traffic management. Join us for a discussion that promises to shed light on AI's potential in diverse fields.

We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting event!

Registration: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=DKQ7SViCuU6TP2fB9FvnKWUIxqoFw_dNnWTjp7GVQCRUMjExS0UySjhQU08zSVhVV0NISzJHSlBUQS4u&origin=lprLink&route=shorturl